Mike Smith

This WordPress.com site is the cat’s pajamas

Sale, Sale, Sale, Everything Must go!!!!

By now Canadians are starting to get the picture that Justin’s Liberal Government is not working on behalf of Canadians, rather for the globalist.  The days of our National Government investing in our country, maintaining a surplus, tax-breaks for middle income families, and placing Canadians first, is now over.  Everything is up for sale, sky the limit, and pleasing the globalist is the priority.  As taxpayers our role is simple, don’t complain, comply and keep paying.

Canada elected a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Usurping the wishes and powers of parliament by manipulating the democratic process to turn democracy on itself is his action plan.  The dismantling and rolling back of democracy has begun, and the globalist could not be happier with Justin loyalty to them.

Canadians missed the cry of the wolf, when in campaigning for the Prime Minister’s job, Justin talked about incurring a debt, rather than maintain the previous government’s policy of a surplus. Justin told Canadians that his government planned to borrow 10 billion dollars per year, over four years, and that money was going to be used to stimulate the economy and job growth.  After all he said money was cheap to borrow, so why not?  But in secret Justin already had other plans for all this money, and Canada did not figure into it. What Canadians have witnessed, is that billions of dollars that were borrowed, was given away to other nations, agendas, and let’s not forget the master globalists at the United Nations.  With zero return on investment for Canadians, it will not be until 2055 before Canadians see another surplus.

The next step came in the passing of Motion 103. This motion limits free speech, and places Islam as a priority in Canadian law, over all other religions. Although polls showed that 70% of Canadians were opposed to it, the government went ahead and had it passed. The agenda of destroying our democracy is more important, after all it gives government more power and control.

The latest attack on our democracy comes in what they are calling Parliamentary reform.  If you think parliament was dysfunctional before watch out.  There first step in this process is to limit debate in the house and committee.  Limiting debate robs Canadians of a voice and ensures closure to force any agenda through.  Next comes the real slippery and slimy part of politics.  The liberals are now looking to make their work week only four days, with every Friday off.  I am sure hard working Canadians appreciate this disgusting move.   Also to strictly control and protect Justin, they are also proposing that Justin only has to appear once a week in the house of common to answer questions for the 45 minutes during question period.  Now I know many Canadians will be upset with all of this and the way the Liberals are governing, but they do not want to hear about it.  So to protect their egos and ensure they only hear positive messages, they are also looking at a law to protect politicians from angry letter writing Canadians.  Harassment will be the new cry if one of them has their feelings hurt.  I guess the criminal code version of harassment is not protection enough for them.   How sweet, like Islam they will also have special mention in their own law.

To liberals nothing is sacred or beyond reproach.  Our rights that we once cherished are being eroded.  Responsible, representative and accountable government is now only becoming a memory.  Justin’s yard sale goes on. 

Impaired Driving – Vehicle Gone

Impaired driving charges are as common in today’s newspaper as the weather report.  What we as a society have failed at, is drastically reducing or eliminating it.  We treat violators, be they 1st or 2nd time offenders with court dates, fines, license suspension and even jail time, but rarely eliminating the problem. Often you read cases of those with license suspensions continuing to drive.

While it might not be politically correct to say, what we need in Canada is appropriate punishment.  Now I know many will say that as a society we do not punish people, rather we try to help them.  To that I will say we already punish.  If you speed you get a ticket, no seat belt – ticket, fail to stop – ticket, and I can go on.  Who could argue that having to fork over money for something you do not want does not hurt.

While I do believe in the spirit of giving second chances, for some crimes, I feel that we already do it with impaired drivers.  Anyone caught driving with over the legal limit has a court date, fine, license suspended for a time period, and usually within 2 years back to normal.  But how do we deal with it from this point on?

What we require is a model that, after your first conviction for impaired or driving under suspension from impaired, or being in an accident while impaired (regardless of 1st time or not), the vehicle you are driving is seized, sold at auction with all money going to the local schools and hospitals.  Now the punishment fits the crime.  Vehicle not paid fully – your problem, borrowed a friends vehicle – your problem.  How many people would think twice about impaired driving if the consequences of a greater punishment really affected them. I can think of nothing more appropriate as, where the punishment fits the crime.

Impaired Driving – Vehicle gone!!!

Impaired driving charges are as common in today’s newspaper as the weather report.  What we as a society have failed at, is drastically reducing or eliminating it.  We treat violators, be they 1st or 2nd time offenders with court dates, fines, license suspension and even jail time, but rarely eliminating the problem. Often you read cases of those with license suspensions continuing to drive.

While it might not be politically correct to say, what we need in Canada is appropriate punishment.  Now I know many will say that as a society we do not punish people, rather we try to help them.  To that I will say we already punish.  If you speed you get a ticket, no seat belt – ticket, fail to stop – ticket, and I can go on.  Who could argue that having to fork over money for something you do not want does not hurt.

While I do believe in the spirit of giving second chances, for some crimes, I feel that we already do it with impaired drivers.  Anyone caught driving with over the legal limit has a court date, fine, license suspended for a time period, and usually within 2 years back to normal.  But how do we deal with it from this point on?

What we require is a model that, after your first conviction for impaired or driving under suspension from impaired, or being in an accident while impaired (regardless of 1st time or not), the vehicle you are driving is seized, sold at auction with all money going to the local schools and hospitals.  Now the punishment fits the crime.  Vehicle not paid fully – your problem, borrowed a friends vehicle – your problem.  How many people would think twice about impaired driving if the consequences of a greater punishment really affected them. I can think of nothing more appropriate as, where the punishment fits the crime.



The release of the US Senate Report on the torture of detainees, gives us all an opportunity to examine the connection between war and our value system. At the heart of the report is the question of our values. Those that have judged have done so with the strict interpretation of our value system, never wanting it to be called into question. The question that needed to be asked was, do we fight a war without overstepping our values, or do we fight a war to keep our value system. While both sides of the debate are philosophically right, the reality is we fight to maintain our way of life and values.

911 was the most evil act against innocent people. Americans and the world demanded action. The protection of citizens, our freedom and values were at the heart of the war against the terrorists. To accomplish this, it required those that perpetrated this crime be brought to justice, and the only way to do so was by taking the war to them and destroying them.

Wars can never be fought with our value system being the guiding principle. If this was so, we would never go to war, because based on our value system we would never want to harm or kill anyone.

The acts in question occurred against terrorist, that sought to harm us or had knowledge of harm to come to us. The governments in question did what was necessary for the protection of its citizens, our way of life and our value system, which the terrorists so much despise. Difficult times called for special techniques, to acquire information for our protection.

While the CIA is being dragged through the mud for this, the reality is that they did what was required of them by their nation for our continual survival, enjoyment of our value system and way of life. If anyone feels that the war against the terrorist should have been fought only using our value system, they need to sit down and re-watch the 911 videos of the planes crashing into the towers, the pentagon and Pennsylvania.   The images of innocence loss, people jumping out of the towers, and the thousands of families who will never see there loved one again is proof enough that this can never happen again. No one asked for this tragic event to occur, but everyone wanted a response. If only one attack was prevented from all the techniques applied it was worth it. None of us deserver to ever be subjected to this kind of terror again. The terrorist made their choice, so they have to live with the results.

Is history about to repeat itself in Iraq, in the form of “Iraqnamization?”

In 1969 President Nixon anounced a new military policy called Vietnamization, where the Vietnamese people were to be responsible for fighting their own war against the North Vietnamese, thus augmenting US forces.

After years in Iraq, the new American rules for the conflict in Iraq against ISIS,  is to send advisers to Iraq to assist the Iraq military, who are to fight the war for their country themselves. Again augmenting so US forces to not have to return.

Will history repeat itself?

Who is really holding the carrot?


As the international community has been hoping that its carrot and stick approach to dealing with Iran would pay off, the reality is that they have unloaded the wagon of all-bargaining power, and have nothing to show for it.  Iran for its part jumped at the initial offer, filled their coffers, stocked up on what they needed, and in exchange only made promises, giving up nothing.

Now Iran is looking for an extension to the deal.  Having positioned themselves as rational players, they are now demanding an extension citing that they have complied. In reality, Iran has maintained its pile of weapons grade material, and if they choose to, can restart or excel its enrichment program anytime, having lost nothing.

Sitting on the sidelines watching this is Israel. While the international community can claim to have Israel’s back, Israel is the only one in immediate proximity, as well as the recipient of repeated threats by Iran with being “wiped off the face of the earth.”  So where does this place Israel?  Regardless of the international communities actions, Israel remains the only one who can claim the right of unilateral action.  Just as America has the right to be pre-emptive in defending itself so to does Israel in deciding their course of action against Iran. 

The question that has to be asked, who is holding the carrot leading whom?

The Second Great Appeasement – Iran

If history has shown us anything, it is that appeasement of a regime bent on war and destruction of a race of people, only empowers the regime to grow bolder. Iran feeling empowered is now boldly looking for an extension of the original agreement, all the while giving up nothing that eventually could not be restarted and excelled at to their final goal.  The actions of the international community is paramount to letting the bank robber keep his gun and disguises as long as he says he will not do it again, but free to start up again untill caught.

As the international community ponders an extension of the 6-month deal, it has voluntarily removed its own teeth and is merely massaging Iran with its gums.  Iran sees no teeth to the bite, so fears nothing.  Having tasted the lifting of sanctions and the benefits that they are now achieving/enjoying, makes now the time for the international community to remind Iran, that anything short of a total elimination of all potential weapons grade material, or soon to be material, is the only acceptable condition for an extension. If Iran is sincere and wants to be welcomed back into the international community it must first rid itself of potential nuclear weapons grade material, and then denounce its threat to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth.

The international community took the first step, by agreeing to the primary agreement, now Iran needs to step forward and make its first step for an extension.  To do otherwise is to watch the world fall into another case of appeasement, and we all know how that last one turned out.

A Bi-Polar Social Mentality

A Bi-Polar Social Mentality.

How we have come a long way.  When I was a kid, almost everywhere you went you could find cigarette vending machines, or shops who would sell you cigarettes by the pack or individually, so your parents would not know you were smoking.

Today smoking is so taboo, that places that sell tobacco products have to hide it behind the counter, and also under cover of some form, so it is not visible. Out of sight out of mind.  While this logic is somewhat understandable you would think the same thing would apply to other products of this nature.

Consider that walking through many malls or stores, the same group that we are trying to protect from tobacco, are today overwhelmed with sights of bongs, roach clips and other drug paraphernalia.

While it is understandable that a society wants to protect its youth from possible harm, the same should apply to drug paraphernalia.

Sex Offender back on street again.


Is this the type of justice Canadians expect?  How shameful is it that he is back out on the street again?  I would love to read the Parole Board of Canada’s decision on this case.

Of interest is that tags such as low, moderate or high are applied to sex offenders. The only purpose served by this is related to release probability.  The lower they are rated the better chances for parole. Makes me feel sorry for the victims and the others who live around the halfway house or Community Correctional Centre where he will be staying.

Lets not forget there is no cure for sex offenders, so they need to remain in prison till warrant expire, then once released electronic monitoring for 10 years.  How could a decision of this type ever occur.

Rushing to the table.

If sanctions described as crippling could not slow down the Iranian rush for the bomb, what makes anyone think that a negotiated deal will? 

Lets remember that while under international sanctions, Iran was able to carry on massive military maneuvers, threaten to close the Straight of Hormuz, continued to build new missile technology, build new naval boats, build drones, threaten Israel and continue to build on its nuclear bomb technology. How crippling could the sanctions have been?

My theory is that the sanctions were a failure.  The international community frustrated by Iran and worried about Israel’s promise to “go it alone,” decided to try a new strategy. Rushing to the negotiation table, they laid out all kinds of offerings.  Iran having nothing to lose, attended the meetings, took whatever was offered, gave little in return, and at the same time continues on its quest for the bomb. All the while beating down the clock.

Unfortunately this has done nothing to reduce Iran’s chances at getting the bomb.  Sincerity on Iran’s part, would have had them turning over all enriched material, beyond what is need for peaceful purposes, to a third party country. They did not, and have no intentions of doing so.

Iran’s quest for the bomb will now be accelerated; as it knows the international community is running out of options. I think we all know how this will end.